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May 7, 2013


Hey ya'll!

My Booth #555 at Peddlers Mall has also kept me swamped. Things are selling pretty good and fast and I'm having trouble keeping it stocked up and looking good. Hectic isn't enough to describe the past month. lol.

So without anything else getting in my way, right now, lol, I'd like to share a previous craft.

Here's the before of a coat hanger that I had painted a while back, in the navy and prim yellow:

And so, after it sit for sale for a few months without anyone wanting it, I decided to give it a makeover. With the new hot style of zebra going around, I thought that's what I'd do. I'd make it into a zebra themed coat hanger so that someone may want it for their bedroom? Who knows... It could hold scarfs, hats, coats or whatever and still look cute.

And here it is after:

Thankfully, the zebra theme helped it sell finally. I'm not sure why the stars theme didn't sell though. But either way, glad someone is enjoying it!
Thank You!

I've recently been obsessed with zebra myself and here's a few ways I've incorporated it around my house.
This is the tanning room, just a spare bedroom we had. I do still have a tanning bed but we mainly do spray tans now. It's just hard to get use to.  Anyways, the big tanning bed is still in there and there's not much decorating you can do with that big hunk of bulk.
The room before was plain, with stark white walls, as it had been since we re-done this entire house about three years ago. And it had just kinda sat empty ever since.It was super plain. Nothing in there.
Well, my sister Amber, had the idea to make the room a zebra theme! And we went from there.
 I just love how it turned out. Here’s some pics:


And here's some printed out signs I've made to hang up on the walls:


  1. Very cute makeover! Love the zebra print!

    1. Thank you Tina! The zebra theme is hot right now in our area.

  2. That looks pretty cool. Not sure which I prefer though, I do like the shade of blue and the stars - maybe because it's Notre Dame colors! The Zebra is nice too though.

  3. Tony, thanks for the comment! If i were to be keeping one for my home, i'd go with the blue n stars lol.
    Thanks again!


I love comments! Let me know you stopped by, please. Happy Crafting! ~Lisa