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Mar 19, 2014


I won a large, old gray enamel cooking pot full of these old little glass jars. I am guessing they were used in some old diner or something as little creamers that sit on a table. Not positive, but I think it's a pretty good guess.

Here's the before pic of a couple of them:

And here's the after pic:
I tried to make it look like it did have "milk" or "cream" in it still with a price.

I took a can of regular, $1.00, white spray paint from WalMart and slowly sprayed it inside. I held the nozzel right inside the edge and sprayed. Till enough got in that I could tilt it on it's side and roll it around and cover the entire insides.

Then I just took some red craft paint and a tiny paint brush and wrote "milk" 5cents, on the front. On the next one I think I will write "cream."

I like how it came out and it adds a lil something something to the plain little jars instead of just being empty.

I am going to put these in my Peddlers Mall Booth #555 for about a $1.50 each. That will be a good profit considering I only gave like $2.00 for the entire lot of about 30 of these little jars.

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