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Aug 20, 2015

Good Ole Country Fences #7

Today I'm joining up with  Run*A*Round Ranch Report to share some country fence photos.

I snapped these while out on a drive in eastern KY.

 I spotted that old rusty roof way out in a field of freshly bailed hay.
I love seeing big fields of rolled hay.  When they cover them in the white plastic they look just like huge marshmellows. Well, I didn't realize that until my nephew Sylas said that one day. lol

Just look at that long, wire fence there too.

 And then zoom in a bit farther, you can see all the beautiful, old rusty tin.
I just love rusty stuff!

Thanks again to Good Fences for the linkup!


  1. sweet old place. glad to see someone's still working the land. :)

    (i fixed your link-in. it didn't have your blog address.) :)

    1. O thank you! Sorry about that, i was working on ebay, a craft post and the fence post at the same time this morning lol.I didn't realize it.
      Yes, there are tons of houses around here in shambles, but seems like the farmers still work lands around them.
      Thanks again!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Margaret. We have lots of rolling hillsides around here, so the nice, kinda flat ones are great to find too!

  3. I agree wholeheartedly Lisa about rusty things and i love seeing marshmallows in the fields too! LOL! Great comment from Sylas!
    PS, just to let you know I put my good fences post on a new blog Love to see you there!

    1. Hi Christine! Sorry, just now getting to reply a bit late. Oh yes, Rusty things, when I see them I can't help get pics and try to picture them when they were new. And yes, I started following your new blog! A great idea to have different ones like that!

  4. Wonderful country scenes. You photos are very clear and sharp.

    1. Thank you LV. I do love the scenery around here.

  5. Kentucky seems to have a lot of great fences. I really liked those rolled bales of hay and the rusty barn roof. I also liked how you showcased just the fence and one hay bale in the last shot.

    1. Hi Ida! Thank you!
      I think being the horse capital of the world makes for having most of the fences lol. And the rest is all the farmers. I love it here.


  6. Nice to see the hay rolls in the field with the fencing.

    1. Hi Bruce, yes it's great to see that it's still being productive in some way isn't it! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Well, I like rusty stuff too! I also like ha bales. ;)

    1. Hi EG CameraGirl! Yes to the rusty stuff! If I see it, I'm snapping pics lol.

  8. Great pictures! Our state is so beautiful!

    1. Hi Michelle! Thanks so much!
      Yes we sure are lucky to get to see what we see around here! Thanks again!

  9. Beautiful place with better grass than my yard :)
    Love the clean grounds.
    Nice find and snaps!
    love the photos, Rose. The second one awesome!
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  10. I would love to see more of the old building!

    1. Hi Rose. I will remember that the next time I'm out that way and I'll snap some more pics for you, if I can.

  11. Time to bring in the hay to feed the hungry critters through the winter.

    1. Hi ifthethunderdontgetya! (great name btw!!)
      Yep, there sure are plenty of critters around here that will make a good ole' dinner of that hay! :-)


I love comments! Let me know you stopped by, please. Happy Crafting! ~Lisa