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Jun 3, 2016

FIVE ON FRIDAY from the lil' FARM

Linking up today with FIVE on FRIDAY to share a few random pics of my lil' ole' farm life.
Here's to the farm life ya'll.

I welcome 6 new baby Bantam (we call Baneys) chicks on May 30, 2016!  

I watched ole' Large (I named 3 of them Small, Medium and Large) play "kick the can" with a plastic bucket for about 15 minutes or so before tiring of it.

I was elated when a roll of hay that got away from me ended up FINALLY stopping on a section of barbed wire fencing.  Otherwise it would've went all the way down in the creek. Shew~

I watched as a single deer checked on the progress of the grapevines as I done the morning dishes.

And most off all, throughout the week, I stayed happy despite having to put up with a lot of.....

I hope you enjoyed my week all wrapped up in pics! And thanks much to Amy over at FIVE on FRIDAY for hosting the linkup!

See ya'll next time,


  1. Glad your week is moving along despite having to put up with a lot of, "stuff"!

  2. A lovely post that brightened my day, made me smile.

  3. Ha! your last post of the photo and boot made me laugh out so loudly, brilliant. hope you have a great week end x

  4. Nice to see the farm life! Lots going on at this time of the year I bet. Some friends of ours have some chickens and pigs. Unfortunately the chickens seem to be disappearing. They think it might be a fox or something else.

  5. Lovely to hear from you and to see what you have been up to. I was driving one day and one of those great big round hay bales came off a trailer and rolled towards my car and nearly squashed me and my car, fortunately it turned off the road right in front of me and missed me, so I know what you mean about being glad it stopped! Thank you for your support of Five On Friday, I so appreciate it!!! Have a great weekend! xx

  6. What fun to see your wildlife up to all sorts of tricks! :-)

  7. Loved the little mini-farm tour. My grandparents had a farm and left me lots of fond memories. The softest thing in the world is the throat of a calf. Just run your hand down from his chin to his chest and you're at peace with the world.


I love comments! Let me know you stopped by, please. Happy Crafting! ~Lisa