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Showing posts with label Booth #555. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Booth #555. Show all posts

Oct 5, 2016


This post is an expansion of a craft I did a few weeks ago.
You may recall the 
 Click to view how I made these

 Click to view these

Well, this is basically the same only that I made more into magnets instead of hanging ornaments.

 Here's how I made them in case you want to give it a go. 
If you don't have any on hand, here's how they look in boxes at Walmart.
started out with a bunch of plain ole, used, metal Mason Jar lids in two sizes of
Regular: 2 2/4"
Wide Mouth: 3 3/4"
Some were new and shiny, some old and rusty. It doesn't matter to me.
And I spray painted them a base color in various shades of green and maroon that I had on hand.
The white was used for speckling (snow) only because it's a cheaper can and doesn't cover good.
Here are the Rustoleum and Valspar that cover great in one coat:

After they dry, they are a flat, softer color. Then we're ready to get started painting with craft paint.
My favorite brand is Folk Art but I do have a lot of Apple Barrel on hand too.

Just start by making various circles for the basic face shape of the snowman. 
I use Antique White as the color.

Sometimes I dab my brush, sometimes swirl.
Then just on to the dots for the eyes, and carrots for the noses.
When you think of them all as dots and such, it's easier for me to paint, rather than thinking, "oh I have to paint a face." Dots and carrots come easier. ;-)

And after they were all painted and dried, I simply went glued on some round magnets using E-6000 glue.

I always recommend the E-6000 glue over anything, especially hot glue because you want a good strong hold for magnets.  And with taking them on and off refrigerators and such, the E-6000 glue really holds up.

As for the magnets, you can get the good round ones at Walmart in the crafts section.
For the larger lids, I used the larger magnets and for the smaller lids, I used the smaller magnets.

And that is about all there was to it, besides adding a few decorations to the front.
I love homespun fabric on about anything. And to a few, I added a bell here and there.

And here they are all ready to go in my craft booth for the Christmas Open House.

I save my metal cans that food comes in such as green beans and baked beans to use as display tins.

I like having a variety of sizes to catch the eye.

I am pricing these for $1.99 each in my craft booth, un-packaged, with just a sticky price on the back.
I hope they will make for a quick, grab and give gift item!

What do you think? Would you give these as a lil' inexpensive Christmas gift?

See ya'll next time,

May 7, 2013


Hey ya'll!

My Booth #555 at Peddlers Mall has also kept me swamped. Things are selling pretty good and fast and I'm having trouble keeping it stocked up and looking good. Hectic isn't enough to describe the past month. lol.

So without anything else getting in my way, right now, lol, I'd like to share a previous craft.

Here's the before of a coat hanger that I had painted a while back, in the navy and prim yellow:

And so, after it sit for sale for a few months without anyone wanting it, I decided to give it a makeover. With the new hot style of zebra going around, I thought that's what I'd do. I'd make it into a zebra themed coat hanger so that someone may want it for their bedroom? Who knows... It could hold scarfs, hats, coats or whatever and still look cute.

And here it is after:

Thankfully, the zebra theme helped it sell finally. I'm not sure why the stars theme didn't sell though. But either way, glad someone is enjoying it!
Thank You!

I've recently been obsessed with zebra myself and here's a few ways I've incorporated it around my house.
This is the tanning room, just a spare bedroom we had. I do still have a tanning bed but we mainly do spray tans now. It's just hard to get use to.  Anyways, the big tanning bed is still in there and there's not much decorating you can do with that big hunk of bulk.
The room before was plain, with stark white walls, as it had been since we re-done this entire house about three years ago. And it had just kinda sat empty ever since.It was super plain. Nothing in there.
Well, my sister Amber, had the idea to make the room a zebra theme! And we went from there.
 I just love how it turned out. Here’s some pics:


And here's some printed out signs I've made to hang up on the walls:

Jan 27, 2013

Old PIANO BENCH Repurposed

This is a photo of my finished piano bench. 

I'm still searching my camera for the before, which I do have somewhere in the 10 million

I basically took the old, dry looking, plain wood piano bench and started off with a good thick coat of black, outdoor paint. Brush on type, not spray paint.I wanted to give it a coating that will stand for some time. Even though it's an indoor item, I do that very often.

Then I waited an entire day for it to dry outside.

 Then I hunted through my stencil drawer to see what would look cute. 

I went with the theme of, "Old Crow Game Board Co." And threw in the miniature checkerboard.

Then I ruffed up the edges with sand paper on almost every edge. Then lastly, after all was dusted with a dry rag, to remove the sanding dust. I coated the entire top with a matte sealer.

I was happy to see this item fly from my Booth #555 within just a few days. 
Price was $24.99

It makes me super happy when someone buys my hand painted items that quick. Keeps me in the mood for painting more.

~Happy Crafting!

 another piano bench that I did in basically the exact same way with just a different look: 

Another Piano Bench Redo I did