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Showing posts with label HOW TO DRAW SNOWFLAKES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HOW TO DRAW SNOWFLAKES. Show all posts

Sep 29, 2015


I am going to post a few thread spindles and jars that I have painted snowmen on.

I just can't help it when it comes to snowmen, I just want to paint them on everything!

These are the plain, ole' wooden thread spindles that you are seeing about now.
 They are cute to just tuck here and there as are, but I thought they may be a bit cuter with a little chubby snowman on them!

I used the FOLKART brand of craft paint from Walmart.

And I just free handed on some matching snowmen.  This way in case someone wants to use them as a matching pair.

And for the snowflakes, they were really easy. Just draw you some straight lines like this below:
And just dab on dots for the tips!

Here's how mine came out, but sorry a bit blurry:
 And here they are again all done:

And that was just about all to them.

And then I had an old bottle and a white little jar sitting around.
I was in such a rush to start painting, I had already done a the other side of the bottle before I remembered the b4 pic.
And the other side of the jar was plain white.

As you see, when I start one type of snowman, I tend to put the same one on a few items. Not sure why, it's just how I do it.  And I'm always thinking maybe someone wants a few items in set, who knows?

Here's another pic of them:

And yesterday I had a request for Santa items.  So I will be making a few of them in the upcoming weeks!
Not sure why, but I just tend to get stuck on Snowmen!! lol
So please check back soon!

See ya'll next time,