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Showing posts with label Snowwmen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snowwmen. Show all posts

Aug 29, 2016


Here's some cute blinking snowmen ornaments I've made.

I know most people won't have these orange, clip on, safety blinkers on hand for this craft. 

Original before photo
But in case you ever run across them at the Dollar Mart keep this in mind. They are meant to be clipped on to children's backpacks or for runners or walkers for a safety precaution.  But I've made them into blinking snowmen ornaments.

First I strung up a line with twine, as seen above using thumbtacks between my porch posts.
And then I just clipped them on and got ready to spray paint one coat.

I like the Rustoleum brand of spray paint.

I was also spray painting more clothespins for my Snowmen Clothespin magnets also.

And after one coat, (that's why I like the Rustoleum brand,) they were ready to go to the next step.

I took them all in and laid them out on wax paper to protect my table.

And then I Googled "snowmen faces," and looked at the various ones that came up.
I then just sort of mimicked the ones I liked best. I love the ones with the big eyes the best.

Here's how I do it in lots at one time. Don't worry, just go step by step like below and it's not hard at all.
Just dot on some eyes and dots for a beginning. 
Here's a tip. 
I usually dip my end of the brush without bristles into the paint and use that as a great circle for these parts!

And then continue onto more and more.

I had to move into another room, so I moved them onto my big piece of pine work board for easy hauling.
See the one with the mouth open, you can just draw on about anything you want to change up their faces a bit. It gives them their own personality.

And then to the rest of the faces and my favorite parts, the snowmen noses!
I just dip a very long haired brush into the cinnamon orange and let the nose draw out long and taper off. And go back and sometimes make it thicker with another stroke.

Then, you'll just want to remember to add eyeballs and some snow on the noses.
Here's an up close.

Sometimes I add a bit of pink to their cheeks and sometimes I don't. Just if I remember.

I even tried to "grungy up" some of them by adding a layer of Elmers glue over their faces and then sprinkling on cinnamon.  But I didn't like it too much, so I didn't do too many.

Here's a few more shots of a bunch of them.

These are my favorite eyes. I saw them on Pinterest on a lid that was painted and I loved it!

As you see, some of them have names at the top. I had an order for a few so I did them while I was at it.

And here's a few more pics.

And here's what they look like with their light button pushed on. 

They have 3 light settings too. Constant blinking, pulse and a slow glow which is my favorite. 

I tied on some homespun to the top clips after the pics. Just various colors.
I think these will look awesome with the whole families names on a tree all lit up Christmas morning! 
What do you think? 

See ya'll next time,