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Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts

Nov 3, 2012

Cinnamon Salt Dough Stars

I make these around Christmas time for my Booth#555 at the Peddlers Mall. They are a steady seller. Especially at Christmas time because they are adorned with the yummy smell of cinnamon!

Here's how I make them. I start out by making up a batch of salt dough.

  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 cup salt
  • ½ cup water (sometimes you add a bit more)
  • 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil (this makes it a little more flexible, and is optional)

I mix it all up in a bowl, adding a bit more of water, if needed. It should be firm but still good and flexible.
Knead it for a bit and get it all mixed good. If you want colored dough, you could easily add food coloring or something natural like coffee or tea. I prefer it plain for most uses.

I then knead it out into a big ole baking sheet. Then use my star cookie cutter to make the shapes. And then here's where I add a little extra. I take a small star stencil and press it into the center of the star. It just adds a lil extra touch and makes it cuter. And it's totally optional!

And this is what a few of them looks like, notice the star stencil at the top:

and here's a closer pic of the star, after I pressed down on the stencil, just a tad bit. And repeated it on every other one, if you want.

Next, it's time to do the dusting of cinnamon to make them totally smell yummy! I just spread them all out on the old baking sheet and sprinkle with some cinnamon sugar. I press the granules down into the salt dough very easily to make it adhere, but not hard enough to misshape the star.

Then I stick them in the preheated oven at 300* for about 45 minutes. Sometimes more, sometimes less. It mostly depends on the thickness of the salt dough. The just take them out and let them cool, then package as desired.

UPDATE: Sometimes, but not always, I take it a step farther. After allowing them to dry from baking, I dip them down into some scented, melted wax with an old fork, one by one. In the pic below, I had scented my wax with apple cinnamon. Then set aside to dry on wax paper. And here's what it looks like:

The wax just makes them appear way smoother, kinda like a wax tart. I love it! Yet, if you opt out of dipping them in wax, you get a more grungy, prim look! Oh, I just can't decide which way I like best. lol.

Here's another look at them UNDIPPED of wax, just with the cinnamon sugar finish:

And here's a closeup of a few of them dipped in the wax:

Ah, I think my favorite is the dipped in wax finish!

When they are all finished, I package 5 of them in a cellophane treat bag, from Walmart. And add a string of homespun fabric as a tie. Sometimes I will also add a stick or two of cinnamon to the bag. It makes for an almost instant bowl filler. I then price them for $3.95 and put them in my Booth#555 at the Peddlers Mall

Have you ever made anything from salt dough before?

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Salt Dough Buttons

Oct 19, 2012

Second Set of Snowmen CLOTHESPIN Magnets

I made another batch of snowmen clothespins today. To view my first go at this, click here. This time I made a few small changes to give them a more prim appearance. Such as replacing some of the buttons, stars and hearts with words such as faith, family, friends, hope ect. The words are basically endless that you could write. I like to do a little country effect by putting the dots on the points of the letters.

I started by buying some plain, wooden clothespins at the DollarMart. A package of 50 for only $1.00. Then I spray painted half of them an almond color, the other half just white. I only buy the Rustoleum brand of spray paint at Walmart. One coat and you're ready to go.

Then I painted on all the faces step by step. All eyes of one style such as happy eyes, ect. And then all noses, all mouths and so on. Then the wording down the bottom on some, others I chose hearts, stars or x's. Just mix them up.

Next, I gathered the stuff I'd need such as magnets and glue.

If you notice in the next picture, I had to cut these magnets in half to fit perfectly on my clothespins because they were out of the smaller size at Walmart. But they cut easily and it did allow me to get double for my money. Hint: Never buy the rolls of magnets for these type of projects. They do not have a good strong hold.

Then I was ready to let them sit and dry. While doing so, I started cutting some fabric for the scarfs. So that kept me busy as I am a figity person. I sooo hate waiting. lol.
And here they are after I added their little scarfs!

After posting these, I also went back and added a little red to their cheeks. It just was the finishing touch for me. lol. And then packaged them individually this time around, in case some will be given as gifts.

These are now ready for sale in my Peddlers Mall Booth #555.

Snowmen Magnets

Sep 21, 2012


I wanna share another great idea which spawned from eyeballs by day, crafts by night. She had used some mini clothespins and painted super cute snowmen on them. Then used them as mini clippies. Well, I've been making a lot of magnets lately so I wondered if I could get a strong enough magnet on these and it be able to hold notes and such on a refrigerator without falling, without looking silly.

And here's how I started. Here's the plain wooden clothespins found at the Dollar Mart for $1.19 for a pack of 50! SUPER DEAL!
First, I spray painted them all white in the Rustoleam brand from Walmart. Waited for that to dry, flipped them over, sprayed the backs.

And then I began to paint the cute little faces. Seriously, I mean I painted 100 of these little guys without giving up, my arm went numb lol.. To make the little faces, I referred to the ones in the blog above, eyeballs by day, crafts by night. All I really changed in this pic was some stars and hearts as the buttons. And now and then added different facial features because after about 50 in a row, the cute smiles got old. lol. So some I made frown and kinda grumpy like. :-)

And here's another pic of even some more...... But in these notice that I gave them an added hat to match their scarfs!

And finally after I got all the painting and adding the scarfs (pieces of old homespun) and optional hats, I began to attach the magnets. I tried two types of magnets, first the kind that comes on a big roll in the crafts department and is easily cut-able:

Which I learned that when I stick it on the fridge with a note, it didnt hold so well. So then I tried the round, more sturdy, .75 inch magnet. Found at Michaels which contain 50 magnets for somewhere around $3. I love these. They are super strong, but I had to take scissors and cut in half so it didnt look bad. But that was great, cause in the end, I got 100 strong magnets outta a pack of 50! Whoo hoo to saving money!
For some reason I can't find a pic of these on the back, but they did not look bad at all. I just tried to cut super straight because cutting magnets with a small set of scissors is not easy. lol.

And here's a few more pics, just because I love how these little guys turned out. lol. Hope you do too!

Price, after handpainting each and giving them their own personality :-)  lol :  $1.00
& remember, they have high quality magnets on the back and will hold papers on the fridge

Here they are after they are packaged and ready for sale in my Booth #555:

I make a lil cardstock printout with the booth id and link to my etsy shop as an insert. That way, if it is givin as a gift, they have a reference to where to purchase more. (That is "IF" I can ever get around to posting them!) Note: on a few of them, in trying something new, I put a piece of grapevine through the center, and it looked like snowmen arms. (Far right corner of last pic above.)

I also went back, after taking these pics and added a piece of homespun to the top left corner of each packet. It just was needing something more cute n' country, I thought. lol.

Set of 4 Snowmen Magnets I have packaged up.

           Don't forget to send me a link to yours if you get time to try these!
Update: Here's a link to the next batch I made which have the words Faith, Family, Friends and more on them: Snowmen Clothespin Magnets 


Jul 7, 2012

Barnwood Mantel

Below is the fireplace mantel I asked my husband to build to go around the great stove I found at the flea market, here's that post, last December. He got it done, but I haven't painted it yet or added any embellishments. But I kinda like it plain how it is.

Cost of barn wood fireplace mantle frame: Only $34.99
and is found at my booth #555 at the local Peddlers Mall.

Below is a wreath that I made to go above it. I saw in one of Adelaide's pictures that some had the cute xmas balls on them.


Cost of wreath: $14.99