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Showing posts with label diy wreath. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diy wreath. Show all posts

May 4, 2015

DIY Paper Cup Wreath

Bare with me today because I have to post this from my phone.  Sadly my desktop is down and the laptop is way too slow. UGH!
So I am making due again.

I started making this paper cup wreath with very simple and cheap items. I saw the idea for this on Pinterest.

You will need:
-3oz paper cups(found in the bathroom supplies section) about $2.00
I picked the cute floral design .
-hot glue gun & glue sticks

Very simple here to start.And here is the cup in my hand so you realize the real size.

I made sure to start out by keeping the seem line of the cups straight.

Next just start by applying some hot glue in these areas and stick the cups together. 

And think about spacing because the closer the cups are the harder they will be to bend for the circle. I slowly added some space to them as I continued because I realized so super close they weren't bending easy.

And just keep on adding them and do a long line

And in some places after I bent them I had to go back and add a bit of hotglue to keep them together.
but then it got back to a normal hold. And here it is.

And here it is
A little bit lop sided Here and there but overall okay.

I tied a white ribbon to the top and used it as the hanger.

I gave this to my aunt to hang on her guest bathroom door.

I hope yall have fun giving this a try.
Happy crafting ya'll,