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Showing posts with label horseshoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label horseshoes. Show all posts

May 16, 2016


Hey ya'll. I've been super busy the last month and a half with new calves on my lil' farm. This is all new for me and wow at the things you learn.  But anyways this is leading up to my new craft post today using old rusty things on the farm.

I have tons of ole rusty horseshoes around not because I've had horses but because I love rusty farm stuff.

So when putting up a new wooden door for the calves I thought about making a sign that said COWS but by using the horseshoes as letters. Here's how I started.

I just laid them out and moved them around until they started looking like the letters I needed. I just loved tge big fat one I had for a c.

I used medium sized wood screws and screwed them into the door.

And then came the "s."  I got it but it doesn't look as good as the other letters.
But I got it the best I could.
The s is just the best I could get it but I'm sure the cows wont mind.
And then I needed to make something to fill the space around it.  So I wanted a rusty wreath made of barbwire. So for me I just went over in an old field and cut some. But if you don't have any, maybe you can ask around or buy a new roll of wire, and spray paint it rusty brown.

Here I just made a few circles with it and then screwed it straight to the door.

And for one last sign for the side of the lil ole barn, here's what I made.
I did finally wash off the MOO sign later. I screwed it to a piece of 2x6 then to the wall. But fir the word COWS I just screwed each letter to the wall individually.