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Showing posts with label linkup. Show all posts

Sep 3, 2015


Hey ya'll!
Today I'm joining up with  Run*A*Round Ranch Report to share some country fence photos in Augusta, KY.
Friday, (Aug. 28th) I took a ride up to the Ohio River and had lunch with my Aunt Marlene. 
Just a picnic we had packed. Home made chicken salad, Ritz crackers, chips, assorted donuts for dessert and of course, Ale-8 (most popular pop here in KY) to wash it all down with.
Then we just sat around, watching everyone come and go...
Watched the Jenny Ann ferry (oldest ferry still on the Ohio River) come and go a few times too...
(Still only $5 for a car and foot travel is free)
Click here to see a live cam view from the Augusta website.

Looked around at a few landmarks...
This is the Welcome center and Rotary Railroad Museum. Isn't it so cute?
 Visited a few shops...
I loved this little shop btw, the owner was the nicest I met all day! I could've just talked to her all day. If you ever visit, be sure to drop in Ninas!
I heard George Clooney makes his home here on the River.
I'm not a big celebrity person, but I do think that man is awesome.
I never ran into him, but my Aunt has seen him in front of this little, cute store called Nina's....
on a tv thing, gearing up for the Labor Day celebration called Heritage Days.
It was the most perfect weather ever.
And as always, I was still looking around for some cute fences. I found tons, but here are a few I loved.
I am a sucker for about any corner fence out there, so I loved this one.

As you can tell, I love old, wooden fences the most. But every now and then others catch my eye too...
Home of General John Payne
Est: 1792
Now a B&B on the river...

And here is a partial back view:

One thing is to say for sure about this town. It is just lovely.
The people are friendly and the streets were all kept very neat and tidy. Most of the shops were still ran by long time owners and you could tell they were proud of that. I just love little ole' towns like this.
I even got to sit outside one, in makeshift farming machine seats, while a tiny shop was "Gone for 5 minutes."  And they really were, lol. 

It was just an old time relaxing kinda day to let your worries go away.

Thanks again to Good Fences for the linkup!

Aug 13, 2015

Good Ole Country Fences #6

It's that time of week again!

Time to share some good ole' country fence pics.
And here is a few good ole' country fences I have found right around here in KY.

Just look at those ole' weathered posts!

And then on down the road just a tad bit...

was this cute, curvy driveway with the little creak running under it.

And just look at that big ole' tree standing out there in the back alone.
 I bet the cattle (if there is any) love that shade tree to death in the summer.

Thanks for stopping in again for my country fences and barns posts.

And thanks a million to
for the weekly linkup!

See ya'll next time!

Aug 6, 2015

Country Fences in Kentucky #5

This Old Barn and Fence

Today I am taking a short break from posting crafts to link up with Run*A*Round Ranch Report.

It has became another great hobby of mine, to just go out riding around looking for old country fences (and barns.)  And then to share some shots of some of them here with ya'll.


Thanks for stopping in and taking a look! 
Hope ya'll liked this old barn and fence as much as I did.
See ya'll next time!

Apr 1, 2015


My barn wood corner fence:
Fall 2013

So here is a cute idea to make if you have some old barn lumber, or any old lumber for that matter, laying around.

 I live out in the country and driveway vears off from a secondary street to a patchy half gravel and half concrete strip.  And down at the end of that there was really no eye catching anything to get attention, just big old space.

 So I had the idea to take some of our old barn lumber and sketch out a make do corner fence at each side of the drive.  

Here it was the first year after planting some pretties.  
They were barely growing in, but you can see some coming up.

Summer 2013, I think
Here it is the 2nd year:
Fall 2013
And here it was last year.
The hanging basket lent color until the big perennials grew in.

That is my doggie, Princess, trying to get cool by the new soil I had just put down.
 And here is the fence on the other side of the driveway:
Spring 2014, other side
Fall 2013
 They were simple pink morning glories that took off beautifully and kept going way into fall.

See, I get to walk through these everyday down on my way to check the mailbox.

I had to wait a bit on the right side one to be finished because we were short a wide enough board for the last corner. But I finally found one!

And I had to add this photo from February 2015. Look how beautiful!

One thing is for sure, it gives you a cute focal point in places that are bare.
And they are very easy to decorate in all occasions.

Summer time is my favorite though.
Just let all the flowers kinda take over like this:

This is my first link up to for fences and I have linked up this post with: