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Showing posts with label Preston Court Day 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preston Court Day 2017. Show all posts

Sep 11, 2015


When Is Preston Court Day in KY?


The Preston Court Days are set to run for a total of four (official) days and always ends on the third Monday in October.  
Unofficially, however, it expands a full seven days if you count when the locals begin to set up early.

Court Days in Preston, KY, is an outdoor festival known to locals as Trade Days.

Every year the attractions grow and expand drastically.
The main focus of of the Preston Court Days are the dog and various animal trades, gun swapping/buying, and yard sales. Especially since the neighboring Mt.Sterling Trade Days banned 
 the sale or trade of animals around 1970.
But there are also numerous flea market type booths, craft booths, food booths and even some smaller carnival rides staggered all throughout Preston,


The last day of the event is ALWAYS the third Monday of October. 

So this will help you determine which day it begins each year.

Where is Preston, KY?
Preston is one of the towns that make up the county known as Bath. It is only about three miles south west of Owingsville, right off I-64 interstate, exit 121. It was founded in 1881 as Preston Station as being part of the Big Sandy Railroad. 

Directions to Preston, KY please click here: Preston Map

I recommend the Blooming Onions! 
The original ones, not the cheaper versions out there. 

But my sister swears the Amish home made fried apple pies are to die for!

And the chili dogs along with an ice cold Ale-8.

And my husband loves the Philly Cheese Steak with all the peppers and such:

If you need driving directions to Preston, KY 
please click here: Preston Map

For vendor information, you may try this FB link.
Note: Sorry, I am no help otherwise for booth rentals.

Bit o' History
Preston Court Days originally stemmed off from the Mt. Sterling Court Days in the 1970's with the help from James "Coon" Conyers.

Way back in 1794, the Mt. Sterling Court days got it's name because once a year the Circuit Judge made a visit to town to try criminals.  And people from the area  would meet up  to sell their items and crops or to do some trading of goods. Back then Mt. Sterling allowed the sale and trade of dogs and many other animals.  But dogs were always the main attraction.  Hunters from all over came to buy, sell and trade for dogs. Hence the nickname of the event, Trade Days. 

Then sometime in the 1970's, the Mt. Sterling Court Days banned the sale of animals, especially dogs. I'm not sure why but many people were outraged, including James "Coon" Conyers.  He had been running the largest dog trade days in KY, so he decided that he would start one up in Preston. 
And wow did it take off!

Nowadays, coon hunters, shoppers, sightseers, antique hunters and everyday locals can't wait for this yearly event to roll in!
The tiny town of Preston is made up of only about 500 people.  But when Court Days roll in, the visitor count will easily exceed ten to fifteen thousand.  And each year that number continues to grow!

See ya'll there either buying, selling or trading.

Leave a comment and let us all know what your 
favorite Court Day Food is!

Read more here: