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Showing posts with label farm fresh eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label farm fresh eggs. Show all posts

Sep 10, 2015

My Ride to the Amish Store #10

Hey ya'll!
Today is Thursday which means time to share some ole' country fence pics. 
And much thanks to  Run*A*Round Ranch Report for hosting the weekly linkup!
For this weeks pics, I thought I'd share some back roads, country pics from the beautiful ride that leads me to our local Amish store. I love dropping in time to time to just see how things are still done without all the modern technology we are so use to.  The shelves are old wooden plank boards that are neatly stacked.  The floors are squeaky old boards that let people know where you are. I just love the ole' timely feeling. My aunt still gets her big ole' country, fresh, brown eggs here every week.
My eggs in a crock. You can leave farm fresh eggs out of the fridge as long as they have never been in one.

Here is some of what I see.
 Heading in towards the area there are tons of fences and winding roads.
Look close and you can see the worn buggy markings on the road.

Up and down hills and banks...

 Just follow the Amish buggy marks in the roads...

Then after about 30 minutes of those views above, I get to turn onto an old, country gravel drive.

 And it starts to lead me right up to the beautiful two story home, barns and silos  and the Amish store sitting right at top.

This is my favorite pic showing the side of a barn where the buggies are stored.

I didn't take any photos of the store or home on purpose because there were people outside working and children playing closeup. And it is against Amish beliefs to be photographed face on since they firmly believe in the Commandments that states, "Thou shalt not make any graven image or likeness of any thing."
And if I were to still take a photograph of them by knowing this, then there would be a burden upon me for doing so.
Maybe my next visit no one will be outside and I can show off the cute little country store.

And after purchasing my bag of oats and blackberry jam and my Aunt having her eggs in tow, we headed back out of the quaint, quiet area,

and back into modern civilization.

On our way home....

Crafts from Booth #555

Mar 6, 2013

Primitive Easter Eggs

I am in the crafting mood! lol. Seems like I just can't get enough crafts done this week. Today, I made some more Primitive Easter Eggs for my local craft booth.

If you'd like to make some adorable Easter eggs in the prim style, here's how I done it.

I started out with some plain, brownish crafting eggs. 

They look like this and I buy them in bulk packages of 40.

Then, I paint on a first coat in an acrylic color. Then on a few, I dry brushed on a few streaks of another color, to give it a more prim look. I stick with base colors such as greens, browns and reds.
Then, to add a country look. I load a toothbrush with some off white and fling little dots of color all over some. This was a great tip I still recall from my high school art teacher!

Next I draw on my sayings consisting of, "fresh eggs, free range, 5 cents, ect." Or I will stencil on some stars using my Delta stencil paint. And then let all that dry.

And finally, all that is left to do is match them up in sets of two, package them in a cello bag and tie them off with a bit of homespun fabric.

And wa~la. Here's some cute Primitive Easter Eggs ready to go into my craft booth at the Peddlers Mall.

Here's some more pics of them finished. I don't know why I can't keep all my eggs in a basket. lol.

Thank ya'll for stopping in.
 See ya next time,

Mar 1, 2013

Vintange Styled Rolling Pins

Of course these aren't genuine vintage rolling pins. I know they don't even look close, but they were my shot at adding a little character to the brand new ones. I love rolling pins. I have them stashed here and there all over my house. But I don't care for them much, when they are brand new and plain. Now the older ones, I'll never touch with a paint brush. lol. Just the new ones.  I got mine at the local Dollar Mart for only $1.39 each. Awesome! Here's one in the brand new form:

First I painted each handles a kitcheny color. I went with regular red, blue and colonial green.

Then I took a lead pencil and drew on a few sayings. The "Dairy" idea stemmed from a photo of a board I saw over at a blog called  MissMustardSeed, where my total inspiration for this post came from, actually!Her blog is awesome, btw, and you definitely should check it out!

Then I painted in the letters with an off white, let it dry, then lined each outline in the matching color. I skipped finishing the blue handled one for now because I have other plans for it soon! :-)

Next, after all dried, I took some light grained sand paper and roughed them up a bit. Then I stirred up a mixture of approximately 95% all purpose sealer and 5% acrylic brown paint. This is what I use instead of the gel stain that is on the market. It probably doesn't work as great, but it fits my needs.

Then I brushed it on in light, even strokes. Just one coat done it for me on each. See the next pic of the difference of one with and one without.

You can always mix the homemade gel stain a little darker or lighter as needed. Just increase the amount of paint you add to the sealer.

I let them dry, then hang them up on my hand made rolling pin holder. (CLICK HERE to view the post where I made rolling pin holder.) And wa~la. Here they are.

What do you think? Do you like the plain ones or the painted ones best?